American Cursive Handwriting Mini Review

The [work]book ‘American Cursive Handwriting’ by Michael Sull (Goodreads Link) is an interesting ‘read’. I picked up a copy years ago when I first started getting interested in writing. I was looking for ways to slow down, think and better remember things. After I entered the world of analog writing it quickly became clear it helped me on too many levels to properly enumerate here. The biggest problem I had early on with analog writing was my legibility and writing speed. [Read More]

A riff on Bullet Journals

Figure 1: The Setup Riffing a monolog or spoken improvisation, especially a humorous one, on a particular subject or: break the rules and see if there is no spoon Bullet Journals (BuJo) The official Bullet Journal site (link) is a full, end to end system of organization. It’s been a huge hit in pen/paper circles for several years now. I read their documentation, tried “the system” and walked away with a bad taste in my mouth. [Read More]

Pen Pals

Figure 1: One of the post card images Going the Distance I recently finished mailing 32[!] letters as part of the InCoWriMo (link) ‘challenge’. I put out a call online for interested parties on my primary social network(s) and the response was overwhelming. So much support and positivity among the analog lovers online. Some even asked if I wouldn’t mind becoming pen pals as a fun way to keep the project alive long-term. [Read More]