A big, orange cat sleeping very happily upon the linen sheet.

Figure 1: Cat tested and approved

For a few years I’ve wanted to replace a synthetic fleece blanket with a natural material. After a bit of research I settled on replacing my blanket with a large linen sheet I could fold over on itself. Why?

Linen is an excellent, durable material that breathes well. It’s similar to cotton but has a bit more of a texture, is more durable, is less absorbent (good for my sweaty skin) and when ‘doubled up’ has a similar warmth to synthetic fleece.

Once I had the requirements I was able to track down a 100% linen sheet at Rough Linen and set it up on the bed.

I wont lie: this exceeded all of my expectations and I’ll be looking at replacing all my synthetic fleece blankets over time. Preferably with linen and/or wool materials.

I especially like the texture, it’s ability to meter my body temperature well and the lack of it being ‘soaked in sweat’ that can happen during my sleep. The cats even adore sleeping on the sheet and will seek it out for their naps.

If you’re looking for a good, natural fiber fabric for bedding: I’d strongly recommend looking at linen options.

See also