Analog Version

This post is about the digital anti bad habit notebook. For an analog version implemented as a pocket notebook, see this post.

The Post

Not going to lie : I have a few bad habits and have used my analog anti bad habit notebook to break some in teh past.

Sadly, I can no longer reliably use analog methods for my notes and similar. Due to this I went ahead and re-implemented the anti bad habit analog notebook as an Obsidian vault. So far it’s proven very helpful for tracking a bad habit I want to break and should work well for pretty much any “bad habit” one may want to break.

I’ve published a template Obsidian vault here for those that may desire a digital form of the anti bad habit notebook. Just note: there is a small amount of setup but once you’ve got everything setup, it Just Works.

The anti-bad habit notebook with an example habit entry filled out

Figure 1: The Anti Bad Habit Notebook

See also