A riff on Bullet Journals

A wanderer's travel notebook open to the center with two fountain pens, two markers, two binder clips and a bookmark shown

Figure 1: The Setup


a monolog or spoken improvisation, especially a humorous one, on a particular subject

or: break the rules and see if there is no spoon

Bullet Journals (BuJo)

The official Bullet Journal site (link) is a full, end to end system of organization. It’s been a huge hit in pen/paper circles for several years now. I read their documentation, tried “the system” and walked away with a bad taste in my mouth. I also was left in a bad spot organizationally.

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Analog Every Day Carries

Four notebooks, 3 pens, 3 pen refills

Figure 1: The Kit

The Humble Every Day Carry

When I first went back to a pen and paper I discovered I never wanted to be without. Rain, snow or shine: pens, pencils and paper will be there for you. Day of night, power, no power too. These simple tools will ‘just work’. I’ve had phones and digital organizers fail because of drained batteries, getting wet and getting too warm or cold. Analog beats digital for an every day carry every time.

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Anti Bad Habit Notebook


Updated to link to the digital version of the notebook. Mild rewrite to improve post text.

Digital Version

This post is about the analog anti bad habit notebook. For a digital version implemented as an Obsidian vault, see this post.

The Post

Not going to lie : I have a few bad habits.

I’m trying to break them but lack a good ‘visual cue’ for how often I succumb and how bad/good I’m doing.

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Mobile Mapping


Lately I’ve been poking at updating and improving my usual offline mapping setup on Android. For the last few years or so I’ve been GPX tracking my outings, adventures and some other stuff. Mainly for photo geotagging but also because it can be neat to see where I was and when after a day trip.

When out and about I insist on purely offline maps too. I like being away from the modern world, notifications and distractions. So… my phone ends up in places without cell service or the SIM card removed.

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Small shops, makers and artisans

Analog Fun

Lately I’ve been heavily focused on all things analog. Writing supplies (pen/paper/pencil), shaving hardware, belts, jewelry, etc.

It’s been a very fun journey but along the way I realized something that may not be obvious : the ‘mass market’ effect is real and tends not to produce ‘high quality’ goods anymore. ‘Unique’ is also becoming an oxymoron.

Mass Market / Mass Production

I can go to Amazon, Google, others and do a search for something like, say, a ‘razor’ and a nice, very long list of products will materialize from thin air. Quality ranges from ’this will last one use’ to ’this will probably be handed down to your next of kin’ and everywhere in between.

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Markdown Wins (not really)

[Editors note: this post was inspired by ‘Reach for Markdown, not LaTeX’ (link)]

Years and years ago I learned about a wonderful markup language called LaTeX. It was far more powerful than HTML, had many templates available, handled math correctly and generally ‘just worked’.

Having content and presentation generally separate was a freeing moment in my journey through markup languages.

Once I discovered this disconnect I became an instant and heavy user of markup languages. I’ve used many over the years and LaTeX always reigned supreme for me. It’s flexible, adept and works beautifully.

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Pen Pals

A bear shaking the water off their head in a pool at the zoo

Figure 1: One of the post card images

Going the Distance

I recently finished mailing 32[!] letters as part of the InCoWriMo (link) ‘challenge’. I put out a call online for interested parties on my primary social network(s) and the response was overwhelming. So much support and positivity among the analog lovers online. Some even asked if I wouldn’t mind becoming pen pals as a fun way to keep the project alive long-term.

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Razors, blades, brushes

3 razors, 2 shave brushes, 2 packs of blades, 1 shave cup 1 bar soap

Figure 1: My shaving supplies

Full Disclosure

To be 100% clear before presenting anything to you, the reader.


  • I am NOT a shill
  • I am NOT paid by any of the companies named here
  • I was NOT given any products for testing or review purposes


  • I DID seek this out on my own
  • I DID reach out to some of these companies via STANDARD means
  • These are my OPINIONS


As you might be able to tell by the scrollbar in your browser. This is a very long read compared to my usual posts. If nothing else, read the first 1/2 or so of what is here. That’s the meat and potatoes. The hearty stuff that’s worth focusing on. The second 1/2 or so is examples and ‘what is KemoNine using for gear’. Feel free to skip the insights into my preferences, the first 1/2 stands on its own.

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Scary Shaves

The razor discussed in this post sitting on a counter

Figure 1: A scary looking razor

Full Disclosure

A disclosure. Why? Because I want to be 100% clear.

  • I am NOT a paid shill
  • I was NOT given products for review
  • I sought the products listed here on my own

A Detour

While digging through the world of Safety Razors I noticed that there were a few Single Edge offerings available. Per usual, I couldn’t resist and detoured in my research a little to find out more about Single Edge Safety Razors and the blades they use.

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Personal Grooming

A shave brush, DE safety razor, blades and soap

Figure 1: Travel Supplies


Before I get into the post, I need to call attention to Merkur. I discovered an interesting piece of advertising as I was doing research for this blog post. It was too late for my razor purchase but what I found may affect your purchasing decisions.

They have a promotional image with the text: “Sorry Ladies, Men Only” present.

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