Accessibility testing websites

I’ve never hid the fact I try to make my ‘stuff’ accessible for folks. It’s A Thing for me and I’ve spent considerable time working on this blog to maximize it’s utility and accessibility. I should be in generally good shape overall and I wanted to share a few links for how I pulled this off. I ran ARC Toolkit (link) as my first pass with WAVE (link) as a second pass. [Read More]

Mastodon 4.0.x UI Tweaks

Big Tweaks Compact UI Larger UI Blackout Theme Changelog 2023-01-02 Add time to font adjustments 2022-12-11 Add way to hide images without alt-text / descriptions 2022-12-10 Added way to hide boosts via css 2022-11-24 Initial Post Preface I’ve not hidden the fact I find the latest Mastodon 4.0.x UI a lesson in terrible UX and reduced accessibility. This post is everything I’ve managed to put together to make the latest Mastodon UI more usable. [Read More]

Digital Bullet Journal

Forward The idea that you could have a Digital BuJo still makes my brain hurt a bit. Especially given organizers still universally stink (link), I still have an analog EDC (link) and I’m still using my bujo riff (link) at the core of my now digital organizer. Yes: I switched my analog BuJo to digital and I still use an analog notebook daily. I still write in the rain (link), use some odd discoveries (link) and broke a habit or two using the anti-bad habit notebook (link). [Read More]

Personal Knowledge Base / Wiki

Figure 1: The Landing Page Forward I was recently reminded of the analog life I lead and how that’s evolved over the years since I first wrote about the topic. After some review and reading I can safely say: that’s a different topic. What I did notice is that I’ve never discussed just how I manage inflows of information and manage things I want to retain long term. In this post I’m happy to present: My personal knowledge base / wiki setup. [Read More]

More Accessible Gaming Audio

My Concern It’s not well known but I have a speech processing issue. I have a really hard time decyphering audio for voice communication. It’s so bad I rely on sub titles to watch video content with speech as well as read lips in meat space when with others. My problem works like this: my hearing is good (I hear noises just fine) but I cannot hear people speak in terms of words. [Read More]
Tech  Gaming 

Death of the Laptop

Figure 1: My initial desk setup Changelog 2023-02-18 Add note about device swaps and Android 13 upgrade issues Update 2023-02-18 As of 2023-02-18 I no longer use a OnePlus 8T or Microsoft Surface Duo, both of which are described below. The OnePlus 8T received an Android 13 update that was so buggy for desktop mode, it was unusable. The Surface Duo received an Android 13 update that forced desktop mode to only allow using Remote Desktop for some kind of ‘convergence mode’ that isn’t officially announced or released as of this writing. [Read More]

Digital Coloring and Drawing

Figure 1: An in-progress coloring page Changelog 2023-04-05 Tune Krita S Pen config 2022-12-11 Added information on how I use Krita (Sketchbook is still VALID) 2022-11-13 Make tags more consistent with updated site tags Analog? Yes, I tagged this post Analog despite the topic being digital. [Edited 2022-11-13 to make tags more consistent with updated site tags] I’ve spent a long time staring at my sketchbook and wanting to draw and color but… my desk situation is such that I’d have to spend at least 5 minutes getting it cleared enough for drawing/coloring, then I’d have to put it back the way it was so I could type when I was done, I’d have to turn on the light at night (I like dark). [Read More]

Cyber Decks and KISS

Figure 1: The Hardware How I came to have a cyber deck that gets out of my way and allows me to focus on creation, not consumption Prelude For years I have seen posts about cyber decks and always wondered why people build them. I think I finally “Get It” while also not at all understanding why people build the decks I see posted online. People building cyber decks almost universally post highly custom designs and setups that are rooted in the maker movement and single board SBC realm. [Read More]

IPFS | Data Persistence For Web Content

What Is IPFS? IPFS (link) is a distributed filesystem. It’s basically a peer to peer, global storage engine that allows content to be stored and cached globally. Think of a large website like Amazon that stores copies of their files in multiple locations all over the globe. IPFS does something similar and can be used by anyone, not just one of the largest companies on the planet. This allows your content to be served by a globally distributed network and without having to run a massive amount of your own server infrastructure. [Read More]

Wireguard Saves The Day

Figure 1: The Hardware Let’s Set The Mood Lately I’ve been getting into more video games. I happen to prefer co-op video gaming with friends. I’m also a big fan of first person perspective games. There is one game in particular that’s been nothing but problematic for myself and my core group of friends that play co-op games with each other. We do the whole ‘just a few of us who are in it for fun’ gaming and prefer to have something that doesn’t require a hell of a lot of thought. [Read More]
Gaming  Tech